Sustainable Tourism

We design our tours in order to have minimal environmental impacts and to ensure long-term benefits to the local communities and make the sustainable tourism a good practice

Geo Travel and Sustainable Tourism

GEOTRAVEL is leader in walking and cycling holidays with a strong focus on social and environmental care.
Responsible Tourism is an integral part of our core business, responsible behaviour is promoted by the whole company. We design our tours in order to have minimal environmental impacts and to ensure long-term benefits to the local communities. We have a clear commitment with working standards. The employees are part of the decision making process and we promote their safety and well-being for the success of your trip.

We are glad we had been chosen to participate in Sustour Project. It helped us a lot in improving our performance in a sustainable manner. Most of all, it helped us a lot in feeling part of a sustainability project, the first step to a long training way

sustainable tourism
walking tours
"Geo travel support “No-Plastic” policy.

We must defend Mother Earth from human pollution."
We are very careful not to waste any resource and not to use plastic bottles in our offices.
Our drivers do not have plastic bottles on busses and our tour leaders collect any client’s plastic waste in order to do separate collection and recycling.
Furthermore, we encourage all restaurants and hotels to adopt the same policy, when possible.
We are proud to announce that several majors of smaller Islands and cities of Sicily have forbidden the single-use plastic.
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Our Commitements

Encouraging sustainable tourism, promoting activities that respect the integrity of the environment. We train our staff to the principles and practices of responsible tourism.

The pursuit of biological, social and cultural diversity is our prerogative, the best recipe selects different good ingredients.

Offering hospitality in small and locally run hotels, reflecting the character of the destination, linking travellers to local people. Furthermore our meals are made with local producer food, wherever possible.

Supporting local projects in the communities in which we travel.

We run our offices in a responsible manner by monitoring and, where possible, reducing our energy usage, as well as recycling, mainly paper and plastic.